Magic Basketball
Magic Basketball

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our FAQs for common queries about the Magic Club. If your questions aren't below, please don't hesitate to contact us.

When do teams play?

Mondays: U12 Boys, U14 Girls, U16/18 Girls, A Grade Men and B Grade Men
Tuesdays: U10 Girls, U14 Boys, U18 Boys, A Grade Women
Wednesdays: U12 Girls, U16 Boys, 
B Grade Women, C Grade Women, Over-35 Men

Thursdays: U10 Boys, C Grade Men, D Grade Men, E Grade Men, Mixed Social Adults

What are the game times?

Game times will vary each week. Any team Under 16 years can be scheduled to play between 5:00pm to 7:30pm. Ages above this and adult teams can be scheduled to play between 7:30pm and 10:00 pm. All games are 40 minutes.

When do the seasons begin?

There are two seasons.

Winter: May to September

Summer: October to April

Registrations need to be in a month prior to season commencing.

Where are games?

All games are played at St Francis De Sales

Address: 8 Dutton Road Mt Barker

What age groups can play?

Playing age begins from 8 years of age. 

The age groups include:

Juniors - Under 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s.

Seniors - A Grade, B Grade, C Grade, D Grade, E Grade, Over35 Men and Mixed Social.

All genders are welcome.

How much are club fees?

We believe sports is so valuable for wellbeing so we aim to keep our sub fees the lowest we can. The current subs are $60 per player, per season. These costs will cover loan jerseys for all players, court hire for Junior trainings and nominations fees for adults for up to 2 teams. Please note all players will also be required to pay the Basketball SA Country Membership Fee which covers player insurance for 365 days.

Approx. $70 per annum.

Can I purchase my own uniform?

Yes, you can purchase your own reversible personalised Magic jersey. Club Merchandise can be purchased using our online store (Click HERE)

Do I have to have prior experience?

No, any experience level is welcome to join!

How are uniforms provided?

Uniforms can be loaned (bond required but no cost when uniform returned) or purchased. You will have the option during your registration.

Do I pick my number or is it alloctaed

Numbers are provided by the club to avoid duplication numbers on court

How can I work out what divison I would be in

You cannot turn the age that the divison states for that year. As an example if you want to play Under 16's and you turn 16 during that year you would need to play in Under 18's

How do I enquire

The best way to contact us is via the contact us page on this website.

Can I register after a season has already started?

You are welcome to reach out and if we can fit you into a team we will do our best. If not we'll add you to our waiting list for the next season and send rego detailsl as soon as registrations are open. To submit an enquiry to play visit our Contact Us Page

Do Coaches and Team Managers have Working with Childrens Checks

Yes child safety is extremelty important to us and Coaches and Team Managers must have a current Working With Childrens Check. If you need to apply for a WWCC check out our resources page.

Can I volunteer

To run a big club like Magic we require wonderful volunteers. If you can assist please reach out via our enquiry form. We appreciate help in coaching, team managing and administration.

Can I join an existing team

Yes, we have lots of welcoming teams ready to join

Can I submit an entire team to play

Yes you can submit a whole team to play. Please send us a message or send us an enquiry on our contact us page.

Where can I find the ladders and draws

Log into your Basketball Connect Account to view yours teams information

Do you accept sports vouchers

We don't accept sports vouchers. However we do try to keep our subs affordable for all.

Can I join after the season has started?

You can send through a player request and if we have space for you in a team, we will do our best to get you in. If we don't have space, we will keep your name down so you can register as soon as our new season starts. Please contact us via the contact us page on this website.

How do I become a sponsor?

Fill out the contact us form. We'd love to have you become a sponsor!

Can I come to Magic from another EHBA club?

If you plan to play for both Magic and your original club, please notify us and we'll apply for a permit on your befalf. The 2 games per week rules still stands.

If you are looking to join Magic but are already a part of another EHBA club then you can only transfer across at the beginning of a season. You can't transfer during a season if you have already started playing games during that season.

Can I request to play with friends/family

Yes, as a local club we think being able to play with friends is important. You can request up to 2 friends to play with. We try and accommodate for this as best we can, while setting up the teams.

I'm having trouble registering on basketball connect

Please vist our our website for further information.

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