Magic Basketball
Magic Basketball

About Magic

Magic Basketball Club welcome players of all ages and abilities. We believe in the power of basketball to promote physical and mental wellbeing, and we strive to create a supportive and inclusive basketball community for everyone. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player looking to join a team we would love to hear from you. 

We pride ourselves on making basketball accessible to all, offering affordable fees that ensure everyone has the opportunity to be part of our fantastic club and provide an interest in sport building strong foundations. 

Join us on the court and let the magic of basketball ignite your passion for the game while supporting your overall wellbeing.

Available Divisions

Under 10 Boys & Girls
 Under 12 Boys & Girls
 Under 14 Boys & Girls
 Under 16 Boys & Girls
Under 18 Boys & Girls
 A Grade Men & Women
 B Grade Men & Women
 C Grade Men & Women
 D Grade Men
 Mixed Social Adults
 Over 35 Men

Evenings We Play


     Under 12 Boys

    Under 14 Girls

    Under 16/18 Girls

    A Grade Men

    B Grade Men


    Under 10 Girls

    Under 14 Boys

    Under 18 Boys

    A Grade Women


    Under 12 Girls

    Under 16 Boys

    Over 35 Men

    B Grade Women

    C Grade Women


    Under 10 Boys

    C Grade Men

    D Grade Men

    E Grade Men

    Mixed Social

Under 16 and below
Vary between 5pm and 7.30pm

Over 16
Vary between 6:40pm to 10pm

Where We Play

Games and training are located at St Francis De Sales College.

8 Dutton Rd, Mt Barker, South Australia

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